Studies tell us that only 3% of people in the USA set goals, and they are among the wealthiest people in the nation! Worldwide, the percentage is probably lower. Why is this percentage so low? There are several reasons, but the one that concerns the most is the lack of know-how. When we ask people why they don’t set goals they often say, “I don’t know how.”
Here are the setting steps (adapted) to help realise your goals.
Step 1. Dream! Let your imagination run wild while you fill up a blank sheet of paper with everything you want to be, do or have... By dreaming you instill hope for your future, and with hope there’s possibility. Your list should include about what you want to be, do or have.
Step 2. After you complete your list, wait 24 to 48 hours and read each item on your list and answer the question: Why? If you can’t verbalize in one sentence why you want to be, do or have this dream, then it’s not a dream and it won’ become a goal. Cross it off your list.
Step 3: Ask the following five questions of every dream on the dream List you created.
1. Is it really my goal?
2. Is it morally right and fair to everyone concerned?
3. Is it consistent with my other goals?
4. Can I emotionally commit myself to finish this goal?
5. Can I “see” myself reaching this goal? (Visionise)
You must answer “yes” to all five questions for each goal, or cross that goal off your dream list.
Here are some questions to ponder:
- Is it really my goal or is it a goal someone else wants me to pursue?
- Is it the right thing to do?
- Will achieving this goal distract from achieving other goals?
- Are you sure you can make the commitment to pursue this goal and see it through?
- If you can’t “see” yourself reaching this goal, you probably won’t.
Step 4: Ask the following seven questions of every dream that remains on your dream List (or goals list).
Will reaching this goal . . .
1. make me happier?
2. make me healthier?
3. make me more prosperous?
4. win me more friends?
5. give me peace of mind?
6. make me more secure?
7. improve my relationships with others?
If you can’t answer “Yes” to at least one of these questions for each goal, eliminate that goal from your list. Be sure to consider your family when you answer these questions. And do not confuse pleasure with happiness!
Step 5: After asking the questions posted in Step 4 you will have eliminated some of your "goals". Maybe these are not really goals, just thoughts or desires at this point, so you’re better off without them.
Step 6: Separate your remaining list of goals into one of three categories:
1. Short-term (one month or less to achieve this goal)
2. Mid-term (one month to one year to achieve this goal)
3. Long-term (one year or more to achieve this goal).
This step will help you quickly determine whether or not you have a balanced perspective between what needs to be done now, versus your dreams for the future.
- Goals must be BIG to make you stretch and grow to your full potential.
- Goals must be long-range to keep you on track.
- Goals must also be small, thus you can work on daily to keep you disciplined.
- Goals must be on going to reduce the possibility of short-range frustrations.
- Goals should be Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Related to their job, and Time-specific.
Step 7: After specifically identifying your goals, write them down! It is important that you have a written list of your specific goals. Then you will begin to do the daily, weekly action steps that will take you closer to achieving that goal. Be selective. You may not be able to work on all of your goals at one time! Don't over do it. If you only have time to complete one or two goals for the remainder of this year, don’t apologize. Do a little bit more than you think you can, but do not overextend your time to the point that you don’t complete any of your goals. Do not get frustrated by the process! Work the system and it will work for you... Trust the system.
Once you have identified your goals and plotted the activities that you intend to do to fulfill your goals, pat yourself on the back! You have just spent more time planning your future than most of your friends, relatives or associates will ever invest! Good for you.
Adapted from an article by Ziglar
"It is better to look ahead and prepare than to look back and regret." Jackie Joyner-Kersee Multiple Olympic Gold Medal Champion
Saturday, January 1, 2011
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