Thursday, October 2, 2008

7 Steps to Communicate Your Message Effectively

You understand how to use PowerPoint to create beautiful presentations and how to use various technologies to share that presentation with others. All your technical know-how, however, doesn’t save you from the anxiety that comes with speaking publicly. Here are some tips to help you give a phenomenally effective presentation.

1. Identify your audience and the type of presentation you will be giving. Are you informing them of something, helping to build their skills on a topic, or trying to persuade them of your point of view? Focus on this goal to help you organize your material effectively.

2. Don’t read your speech. Write an outline with key words and phrases to help you keep on topic and organized. Use a large, bold font so that you can easily read your notes without having to stare down at your note cards. Making eye contact with your audience gives you credibility.

3. Memorize your opening and closing. Most audiences will pay the most attention to the beginning and end of any speech, so it is vital to deliver a strong, clear message during these parts. Memorizing allows you to look your audience straight in the eye, making you appear credible and committed.

4. Open with a story, relate a personal anecdote, and use metaphors. These are all ways to catch the interest of the audience and make your presentation more personal and effective.

5. Know your material and know the background material so that you can answer questions at the end of the presentation.

6. Know how long you must speak and end on time. No one enjoys listening to an overly long presentation, so respect your audience’s time and end punctually.

7. Practice, practice, practice. This will decrease your anxiety and better your presentation.

by Joanne Sujansky (Adapted) IT World

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