Monday, October 4, 2010

The Model Woman

Mrs. Kwa Geok Choo - the woman behind MM Lee

While Mrs Lee Kuan Yew was an intensely private person, much could be gleaned from the snippets of observation made of her by the media, heads of state and other political figures, as well as members of the public and even the remarks that she made to her husband as she accompanied him during his travels and public functions during their 63 years of marriage.

Here is a compilation of quotes that gives us more insight into her character:-
Mr Lee Kuan Yew, on how he was a "kept man" during Parliament in 1985:
"Over the years, I've been a kept man. My wife keeps the family."

Mr Lee on her character:
"She's a very caring person, very staid, very caring; she's not frivolous and does not like to socialise, which saves a lot of time".

When asked if she (Mrs Lee) ever had disagreements with Mr Lee in email interviews, she replied:
" Would you believe me if I say we never disagree or quarrel? Fortunately, these are over little matters. Kuan Yew leaves household decisions to me. Family matters have not been a problem."

Then United States President Richard Nixon's compliment to her devotion and loyalty to her husband in 1973:
President Nixon: "Mrs Lee, tell me, is it true that you were No. 1 in the class at Cambridge Law School and your husband was No. 2?
Mrs Lee: "Mr President, do you think he would have married me if that were the case?"

Mrs Lee, on a visit to Kuala Lumpur in 1976:
"I walk two steps behind my husband like a good Asian wife."

Manila Times, observed in 1971 that Mrs Lee was "almost like an invisible entity, unlike other first ladies.

Ms Deborah Barker, daughter of former law minister Eddie Barker on Mrs Lee:
"My father felt that she had very good judgement, and he would go to her for advice on important personal matters".

Wife of former Old Guard minister Jek Yeun Thong:
"To me, Mrs Lee was a humble and courteous person, straightforward with no airs or pretences".

Mrs Elisa Chew, tailor on Mrs Lee:
"She would always greet me when she came into the store, and was even willing to take a photograph with me".

Mr Lee in his memoirs, recounted his wife as the disciplinarian of the house:
"She brought them up well-mannered and self-disciplined".

Mr Chng Jit Koon, 76, former senior minister of state (community development):
"MM Lee is a person who wants everything to be perfect. If there is something not right, he will be angry, especially during his younger days. Of course, those who got scolding would feel very bad, but Mrs Lee would quietly go to the side and tell them, 'Never mind; he is like that' don't take it to heart'."

MM Lee bent over his wife's casket to bid her goodbye. He stretched his hand to touch her, put his fingers to his lips and placed a kiss on her forehead, twice.

"Any marriages would be better if the husband and wife clearly understood that they’re on the same side." Zig Ziglar

Why Successful Women Fail With Men

Source: Diva

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