Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Communicating Persuasively

According to a 2002 study, researchers found that men are often more responsive to email because it downplays their competitive tendencies. On the other hand, women react better to in-person encounters because they are more relationship-oriented.

Women may be fed up with being stereotyped as the chattier sex, but the cliché turns out to be true – in macaque monkeys, at least. Researchers have found that female macaques make 13 times as many friendly noises as males during chit-chat between individuals. The finding adds weight to the theory that human language evolved to forge social bonds.

"In the Social Media world, the most powerful person is the one who shares the most.
Control in Social Media is like grabbing water: the stronger you grab, the less you hold. There’s a right way to retain water, but not by being forceful." Pauline Ores

"There is an interesting phenomenon* at work in human relations. When one person yells at another, the other has an impulse to yell back. One ... actually sets an example of how he should be treated. A is mean to B so B is mean to A. A is friendly to B so B is friendly to A." L. Ron Hubbard (* phenomenon = an observable fact.)

"良好而健全的人格还包括,一个人应当具有陈寅恪先生所说的“独立之精神,自由之思想”。独立之精神,意味着一个人在人格上不依附于他者,意味着一个人不随波逐流;自由之思想,意味着一个人的思想没有任何形式的桎梏和羁绊,不受任何外在的限制。这是一种高洁脱俗的境界,是一个大写的人应当具备的品质。尽管达到这种境界并非易事,但教育者应当以此型塑自己的学生。学校里不应当灌输唯唯诺诺、言听计从的奴才品格,而应当培养超然不群、自由独立的公民精神。" 知道分子之 王建勋专栏

"Assumptions are the termites of relationships." Henry Winkler

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