Speak: "Let others know exactly what you think, whether it is wrong, right or just, let them know. Suppressing a point simply because it is of a minority view is not the way to go. Accepting a minority viewpoint is also not the way to go unless the view point has merit. Speak, therefore, let others hear you as much as you possibly can."
Learn: "Understand what is spoken, let others understand where you are coming from when you voice what you assumed is correct. Understand also, that, many people do not make decision based on reason, instead that of faith or social dogma existence, let these people understand that what is best for one is not necessarily better for the others. Learn what is indeed proper and just for all, based on some form of chaotic order."
Listen: "One can not learn or speak without first listening. For the issue always comes before the spoken thought. If we simply wish to speak and learn, then we need to work through understanding by listening to all points of the issue, and finally tabulating within our own reason what is the correct answer. It is hard to listen, as many don't wish to use reason for this, but we must strive to make people listen, and listen for the merit of the issue, not just the dogma of it."
Do: "The final and most complete step. We have Spoken, Learned, Listened and finally we have made up our minds. We understand that an issue can be hard to accept, it can be hard to implement, and it can be hard to adjust to. But, we know that these issues must exist if we are to work past the differences amongst the humans of this world. Action, the process of doing, is what is needed as the final step."
Even then, the process itself is not complete, as the cycle never ends. Once an action is taken, the words must be spoken again, to ensure that the action is indeed warranted and just.
Humanity is the pure essence of who we are, of what we wish to project, and of what we wish to be. If we can not Speak, Learn, Listen and Do within these confines, then we have failed as a thinking race.
Phillip (Adapted)
"We're all of us guinea pigs in the laboratory of God. Humanity is just a work in progress." Tennessee Williams
"Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards."
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